SANXIN Economy Pocket Testers

  • Intelligent functions : auto. Calibration, auto. Power-off, low voltage alarm for all economy pocket testers; auto. Temp. compensation and auto. Ranging for model 5021, 5041, and 5051 testers.
  • IP57 waterproof for all economy pocket testers, replaceable electrodes for model PHB-3 PH tester and 5041 ORP tester.


Model SANXIN PHB-3 Tester SANXIN 5021 Conductivity Tester SANXIN 5031 TDS Tester SANXIN 5041 ORP Tester SANXIN 5051 Salinty Tester
Range 0   ̴ 14 .OpH 0   ̴ 10.00 mS/cm Auto. Ranging 0   ̴ 5.00 ppt Auto. Ranging ±1000 mV 0   ̴ 14 .OpH
Resolution 0.1 pH 0.1/1 μs: 0.01 mS 0.1/1 ppm: 0.01 ppt 1 mV 0.01 ppt
Accuracy 0.1 ± pH  ±1 dight ±2% FS ±2% FS ±0.5% ±2% FS
ATC No Yes Yes No Yes
Calilbration Solution Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Power AAA betteries x2, 1.5Vx2
Dimension and weigh 39 x 25 x 176 mm

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