Water Purifier CAMARCIO UF 010 W

Water Purifier CAMARCIO UF 010 W can be divided into 1.Fresh water Application 2.Desalination. Therefore, the water that passes through the RO system is only pure water.


Water Purifier CAMARCIO UF 010 W

Water purifier brand CAMARCIO model UF 010 W Series works with reverse osmosis system or RO system is The use of pressure to pass water through a membrane (Membrane) that has the ability to filter as fine as 0.0001 microns, or 500,000 times smaller than a hair (hair=50 microns). Able to filter ions and molecules of aqueous solutions. Therefore, the water that passes through the RO system is only pure water.
(The RO system can effectively prevent residues and germs. can be proved by analytical processes in physics, chemistry, toxicology and microbiology).

Use for
Because RO water purifier system is the most popular technology. To remove water solution (TDS) from raw water, RO water purifier systems are used in many industries. and the purpose of using the machine

Water Purifier CAMARCIO UF 010 W can be divided into
1.Fresh water Application
Drinking water Waste water recycle Food industry Hydrogen Production Reef Aquarium

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