Metal series pumps

The compact, smooth and simple design is common for this series. Materials available are aluminium, cast iron, stainless steel and PTFE coated aluminium.


The compact, smooth and simple design is common for this series. Materials available are aluminium, cast iron, stainless steel and PTFE coated aluminium.


Aluminium and cast iron pumps

For transfer of pH-neutral fluids, both thin, thick, high solid content or abrasive. The aluminium and cast iron pumps are found in most fields; workshop and paint industries, purifying plants etc., to mention only a few.

AISI 316 stainless steel pumps

Made in lost wax cast method, ensuring great accuracy and finish. The stainless steel pumps combine great mechanical strength with good chemical features. AISI 316 is resistant to aggressive liquids like nitric acid and sodium hydroxide. The centre block, which is not in contact with liquid, is made from corrosive resistant polypropylene (PP) as standard (other materials upon request).

tapflo metal series

Typical applications TAPFLO METAL SERIES

Industry Example of applications
Workshop Oils, fats, solvents, water, cooling fluids, lubricants
Print & paint Glues, additives, varnishes, inks, paints, latex, acids, resins, pigments
Mining & construction  Adhesives, sumps, dewatering, coal sludges, pastes
Ceramic industry  Abrasives, glazes, water, enamels, clays
Chemistry Acids, alkalis, alcohols, solvents, latex, emulsions
ปั๊มอลูมิเนียม tapflo
tapflo ปั๊มสแตนเลส AISI 316L
ปั๊มสแตนเลส AISI 316L
TapFlo ปั๊มเคลือบ PTFE
TapFlo ปั๊มเคลือบ PTFE

Special versions

Drum pumps | TD series

Light and mobile solution for emptying drums and containers Pumps TAPFLO TD series are irreplaceable in such applications.

The pumps are fitted with a drum tube in aluminium or stainless steel and a handle in AISI 316L stainless steel.

The Metal drum pumps range

TXD25 – 25 l/min, ½” suction and discharge

TXD70 – 70 l/min, ¾” suction and discharge

TXD120 – 120 l/min, 1” suction and discharge

Features & Benefits

Customizable tube length The drum tube is delivered in any length up to 2 m

Highly mobile and versatile Pumps can be easy moved between different drums and containers

Handy and convenient Compact pump equipped with comfortable handle

Pneumatic drainage

To ensure process automation TAPFLO has developed a pneumatic drainage system. Thanks to this feature, the pump can be drained without detaching from the installation.

Available for sizes: T120 | T220 | T420

Ball lifters TL

This option is a great way to empty the pump of liquid if there is no possibility of pump disconnection from the installation.

With this easy solution you can simply raise the ball from the valve seat and allow the liquid to flow out of the pump.

Available for sizes: T70 | T120 | T220 | T420

Explosion proof pumps | TX series

The ATEX directive 2014/34/EC (also known as ATEX 114) is applicable on products intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.

All aluminium and cast iron pumps are by standard ATEX approved, having model names TX… The standard stainless steel pumps are not allowed to operate in hazardous environments. Special conductive TX pumps are available for such applications. All plastic parts utilized in such pumps are made from conductive (carbon filled) materials allowed for use in explosion hazardous environments. What is more ATEX pump are equipped with a grounding connection.

They can be used in Ex-zone 1. The conductive material ensures that no electrostatic loads will be accumulated on any of pump surfaces.

Twin pumps | TT series

TAPFLO metal series pumps may be equipped with double in/outlet to achieve ”two pumps in one” for blending, mixing or circulation of liquids. The liquid in one pump chamber is separated from the other one

Example of applications

Transfer of two different liquids, two pumps in one

Mixing of two liquids with one pump (50/50 ratio)

Transfer and return of printing ink from storage to ink tray

Transfer and agitation of liquids with one pump (installation example above)


Technical data


* = Recommended flow is half of the max flow, i.e. recommended flow for a T120 is 79 l/min (20.8 US gpm). ** = The value is based on pumps with PTFE diaphragms (other materials – please contact TAPFLO). It should be remembered that the volume per stroke may vary depending on the pump’s operating parameters. *** = This is max value with stainless steel valve balls, other valve ball materials may reduce the suction. Please consult us. **** = Not available on TX820.

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