Root Blower Tsurumi RSR Series

Root Blower Tsurumi RSR Series with three rotor blades. The swivel is highly balanced and volute channel design. It can help reduce harsh shocks and reduce rhythmic sounds. Can be applied to a variety of applications, the RSR-KS Series models can be connected to air pipe sizes from 50-150 mm.

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Root Blower Tsurumi RSR Series

Root Blower Tsurumi aerators RSR Series models are available in a wide selection of RSR-50, RSR-65, RSR-80, RSR-100, RSR-125, RSR-150. It is equipped with a 3-blade rotor, which is the rotor that is the most important component of the aerator. It is designed to resist corrosion. Heat resistant and durable It also has low noise. Easy to maintain and high efficiency Confident in working even for long periods of time Suitable for different types of work such as aeration in waste water Wastewater and sewage treatment Decomposition and sludge protection and oxygen supply in fish farms.


MODEL SPEED 9.8 kPa 19.6kPa 29.4 kPa 39.2 kPa 49 kPa 58.8 kPa
rpm Q L Q L Q L Q L Q L Q L
TSURUMI RSR-50 KS 1240 1.46 0.74 1.26 1.07 1.12 1.37 0.99 1.68 0.86 2.02 0.72 2.32
1450 1.79 0.87 1.58 1.23 1.42 1.58 1.27 1.94 1.12 2.31 1 2.68
1750 2.25 1.02 2.03 1.48 1.87 1.95 1.72 2.41 1.57 2.88 1.45 3.34
2100 2.84 1.24 2.58 1.82 2.4 2.39 2.23 2.98 2.05 3.57 1.91 4.16
TSURUMI RSR-65KS 1240 1.9 0.97 1.66 1.36 1.46 1.7 1.27 2.06 1.12 2.39 0.96 2.63
1450 2.35 1.1 2.08 1.57 1.84 1.98 1.63 2.44 1.46 2.86 1.34 3.36
1750 3.04 1.35 2.7 1.93 2.46 2.51 2.25 3.19 2.07 3.85 1.92 4.6
2100 3.81 1.62 3.4 2.32 3.11 3.03 2.86 3.87 2.64 4.68 2.48 5.65
TSURUMI RSR-80KS 1150 3.72 1.45 3.31 2.16 2.96 2.74 2.67 3.31 2.37 3.76 2.14 4.19
1450 5.09 1.79 4.68 2.75 4.33 3.6 4.04 4.5 3.75 5.36 3.52 6.2
1750 6.46 2.09 6.05 3.27 5.7 4.36 5.41 5.55 5.12 6.73 4.88 7.91
2100 8.14 2.51 7.64 3.94 7.22 5.27 6.88 6.71 6.53 8.17 6.24 9.63
TSURUMI RSR-100KS 1150 5.01 1.82 4.6 2.82 4.25 3.73 3.94 4.73 3.67 5.73 3.43 6.73
1450 6.71 2.18 6.31 3.45 5.96 4.64 5.65 5.82 5.37 7.09 5.13 8.36
1750 8.41 2.55 8.01 4.09 7.66 5.64 7.35 7.18 7.07 8.64 5.83 10.18
2100 10.57 3.05 10.09 4.91 9.67 6.78 9.3 8.69 8.96 10.43 8.67 12.31
TSURUMI RSR-125KS 1180 8.22 2.59 7.74 4.17 7.31 5.75 6.94 7.33 6.7 8.92 6.4 10.5
1470 10.78 3.32 10.27 5.38 9.89 7.44 9.5 9.51 9.19 11.63 8.94 13.96
1750 13.13 3.98 12.63 6.43 12.26 8.88 11.88 11.33 11.57 13.98 11.32 16.63
1960 15.16 4.45 14.65 7.19 14.29 9.99 13.92 12.81 13.62 15.88 13.39 18.98
TSURUMI RSR-125LKS 1180 13.29 3.9 12.5 6.27 11.81 8.65 11.22 11.02 10.38 13.4 10.33 15.77
1470 17.23 4.89 16.42 7.92 15.82 10.95 15.21 13.98 14.7 17.11 14.29 20.53
1750 21 5.85 20.2 9.45 19.6 13.06 19 16.67 18.5 20.57 18.1 24.46
1960 23.99 6.55 23.19 10.59 22.61 14.7 22.02 18.85 21.55 23.37 21.18 27.93
TSURUMI RSR-150KS 1180 16.13 4.51 15.31 7.39 14.57 10.29 14.05 13.26 13.53 16.15 13.01 18.77
1470 20.56 5.61 19.75 9.31 19.09 13.04 18.58 16.91 18.07 20.78 17.45 24.3
1750 24.95 6.71 24.17 11.16 23.52 15.74 23.02 20.53 22.52 25.12 22.01 29.43
1960 28.65 7.48 27.82 12.47 27.13 17.63 26.61 23.04 26.1 28.27 25.64 33.29
TSURUMI RSR-150LKS 1180 22.27 6.07 21.14 10.06 20.11 14.16 19.39 18.41 18.67 22.59 17.96 26.72
1470 28.39 7.67 27.27 12.67 26.36 17.84 25.65 23.32 24.94 28.6 24.33 34.06
1750 34.8 9.17 33.7 15.41 32.8 21.69 32.1 28.38 31.4 34.88 30.7 41.29
1960 39.95 10.22 38.8 17.23 37.84 24.3 37.1 31.85 36.4 39.25 35.76 46.7
TSURUMI RSR-250KS 800 36.82 9.75 35.86 16.43 34.81 23.47 33.95 30.51 33.09 37.01 32.23 43.33
960 44.63 11.7 43.47 19.72 42.28 28.17 41.35 36.51 40.43 44.41 39.53 52
1150 54.58 13.84 53.29 23.7 52.06 34.23 34.23 44.34 49.54 53.61 48.6 63.01
1350 64.99 15.9 63.61 27.52 62.29 39.74 39.74 51.77 60.02 63.18 59.18 74.98
TSURUMI RSR-300KS 800 74.64 20.81 71.85 30.73 69.81 44.04 67.88 57.36 66.26 70.67 64.65 84.15
960 91.31 24.37 88.39 36.98 86.23 53.4 84.35 69.87 82.61 86.15 80.78 102.1
1150 110.5 29.2 107.5 44.52 105.2 64.48 103.1 84.53 101.1 104.4 99.5 124.5
1350 131 34.27 128.1 52.52 125.3 76.06 123.2 100 121.2 123.9 119.7 148.4


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