Onground Water Tank DOS Natura Series

Onground Water Tank DOS Natura Series water storage tank, UV protection, not moss Accommodate with hot and humid weather. Bacteria free


Onground Water Tank DOS Natura Series

DOS Natura Series soil water storage tank, classic shape water storage tank or water reserve, UV protection up to level 20, not moss Can be used for a long time Compatible with hot and humid environments Both inside and outside are safe from bacteria.The DOS Natura Series is a water storage tank for use in homes or offices that are suitable for installation on the ground. Safe from moss Safe from bacteria with DOS Combac Nano, the tank’s exterior can protect against UV rays with DOS Protection UV20 for advanced protection, UV resistance up to level 20 for longer use and support with hot air convection. Can touch water directly Without any harm to consumers Certified by Foreign research institute


  • The water tank is safe from bacteria. And because algae are produced with high quality materials opaque.
  • The material of the chassis is tough, tough material resistant Food Grade Material 100% recyclable materials do not mix. Confident about safety
  • Certified safety for consumers from the US FDA.
  • Plastic PPR Pipe High Density reduce leakage.
  • Certified professionals that are clean, safe from bacteria.
  • Odorless Because of high quality plastic pigment.
  • High UV protection can be made from materials Polymer Elixir.


DOS Natura Series 500 L 700 L 1000 L 1500 L 2000 L
Width cm. 75 74 94 115 120
Height cm. 132 178 188 181 200
Tank Cover Inch 40 40 40 40 40
Outlet Inch 1 1 1 1 1
Outlet Inch 1 1 1 1 22
Person Resident 1-2 1-4 4-5 16-8 9-10
Official 1-10 11-14 15-20 21-30 31-40

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