Electric chain hoist ELEPHANT DA/DB Series

Electric chain hoist ELEPHANT DA/DB Series Elephant Electric Chain Hoist Electric chain products from Japan (Made in Japan) There are 2 models: DA model, Single speed and DB model Double  speed. Can increase the chain length.

Electric chain hoist ELEPHANT DA/DB Series


  • Durable and strong motor To work in various situations.
  • Hoist structure Designed to protect against dust and sound Prevent gear transmission with oil Make the machine quiet and long life.
  • Chain hoist received ISO and DN 5684 (German standard), able to obtain tensile strength of 900 Mpa.
  • Braking system using electromagnetic Direct current solenoid Which uses less work light and electromagnetic brake system works together With a mechanical brake system Will make the brakes work more perfectly (2-layer brake system)
  • Accurate brake mechanism even with load on the hook. Check the operation of the gear easily. Because there is a structure that is encapsulated Open gear.
  • Reliable 2-stroke work-electric limit switch in operation.
  • Motor structure is aluminum. Making it able to heat well.
  • Control switch uses 24 voltage for safety.
  • The hook has a steel plate closed and the hook can rotate around.
  • Can increase the chain length.



Model  Lifting Test Load lifting Distance Chain size Lifting Speed Motor hoist minimum distance  Weight
(T.) (T.) (M.) (MM. xPitch) (M./Min) Kw.(380V) (MM.) (Kg.)
ELEPHANT DA-1 1 1.25 3 7.1×21(1) 6.8 1.7 585 72
ELEPHANT DA-1 1 1.25 6 7.1×21(1) 6.8 1.7 585 76
ELEPHANT DA-2S 2 2.5 3 11.2×34(1) 6.9 3.4 730 124
ELEPHANT DA-2S 2 2.5 6 11.2×34(1) 6.9 3.4 730 133
ELEPHANT DA-3 3 3.75 4 9.5×28.6(2) 4.35 3.4 940 145
ELEPHANT DA-5 5 6.25 4 11.2×34(2) 2.75 3.4 1030 163
ELEPHANT DA-10 10 12.5 4 11.2×34(4) 2.7 3.4×2 1390 396
ELEPHANT DB-1 1 1.25 3 7.1×21 (1) 6.8/2.2 1.7/0.57 585 79
ELEPHANT DB-1 1 1.25 6 7.1×21(1) 6.8/2.2 1.7/0.57 585 84
ELEPHANT DB-2S 2 2.5 3 11.2×34(1) 6.9/2.3 3.4/1.14 730 141
ELEPHANT DB-2S 2 2.5 6 11.2×34(1) 6.9/2.3 3.4/1.14 730 150
ELEPHANT DB-3 3 3.75 4 9.5×28.6(2) 4.35/1.4 3.4/1.14 940 162
ELEPHANT DB-5 5 6.25 4 11.2×34(2) 2.75/0.9 3.4/1.14 1034 179


ELEPHANT DA-0.25/DB-0.25 528/563 267/276 261/327 276 168 108
ELEPHANT DA-0.5/DB-0.5 528/592 267/303 261/287 276 168 108
ELEPHANT DA-1W/DB-1W 528/590 367/309 261/287 276 208 68
ELEPHANT DA-1S/DB-1S 564/019 290/021 274/290 301 174 127
ELEPHANT DA-1.5/DB-1.5 655/717 342/372 313/345 372 198 174
ELEPHANT DA-2W/DB-2W 564/649 290/321 274/298 301 219 82
ELEPHANT DA-2S/DB-2S 655/717 342/372 313/345 372 198 174
ELEPHANT DA-2.5/DB-2.5 655/717 342/372 313/345 372 198 174
ELEPHANT DA-3/DB-3 655/717 342/372 313/345 372 258 114
ELEPHANT DA-5/DB-5 655/717 342/372 313/345 375 273 102
ELEPHANT DA-10 684 342 342 960 273

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