Diaphragm Pump (AODD Pump) CHEMPRO DP- Stainless steel Series

Diaphragm pump Chempro DP Stainless steel in addition to features distinctive, also has the function and characteristics of self suction pump, shield pump, impurity pump, mud pump, submersible pump, and pneumatic diaphragm pump with explosion-proof product itself, so its application is very extensive.


Diaphragm Pump (AODD Pump) CHEMPRO DP- Stainless steel Series

General characteristics

  • available with a flammable liquid. (Explosion-proof)
  • can run Dryden (Run Dry) can be used with liquids with suspended sediment is not contaminated.
  • Compatible with high-viscosity fluids (high viscosity liquids)
  • can be used with acidic substances, alkalis and other chemicals.
  • Adjustable flow rate and pressure
  • Self-priming itself.

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