Centrifugal Pump VOLUTE HSO / VSO Series

Centrifugal Pump VOLUTE HSO / VSO Series single impeller There are 2 water inlets resulting in a higher flow rate. Can be installed both vertically and horizontally The pump can be removed without having to remove the suction and delivery pipes. And can still install the drive horizontally Can be either the left side or the right side of the pump.


Centrifugal Pump VOLUTE HSO / VSO Series

Centrifugal Pump VOLUTE HSO / VSO Series imported from Italy. It is a single impeller type pump that can absorb water on both sides. It can absorb very strong water. Horizontal type water pumps are durable and popular for pumping water. In industrial systems Or general work.


  • Power Stations
  • Waterworks
  • Fire fighting systems
  • Air-Conditioning Systems
  • Drainage pumping stations
  • Industrial water supply systems
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