Air hose reels TWISTER EAR Series

Air Hose Reel TWISTER EAR can be conveniently employed in the industrial sites using pressed air. It is designed with a flexible air hose and a special spring, which prevents it from leaking and maintains its rolling power. Additionally, it has simple structure to install and use with ease. It also raises the work efficiency and keep work places organized.


Air hose reels TWISTER EAR Series 


    • Use : Car repair shop, Construction site
    • Features : Packaged case, polyurethane braided hose
    • Installation : Wall, Celling
    • Material : Steel case


MODEL Hose W.P Weight
material I.D-O.D(∅) L(M) Max(kg/cm²) (kg)
EAR-810 PU 8 10 15 12.7
EAR-815 PU 8 15 15 14.2
EAR-820 PU 8 20 15 17
EAR-825 PU 8 25 15 21
EAR-830 PU 8 30 15 23
EAR-1110 PU 11 10 10 16
EAR-1115 PU 11 15 15 20
EAR-1120 PU 11 20 15 23

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